Carroll adventure time voice actor
Carroll adventure time voice actor

Lynch characters started to get names in 1996 with another Minnesota movie that featured a breakout cast, "Beautiful Girls" (Frank Womack), but the one that changed everything was Joel and Ethan Coen's "Fargo," in which he played Marge Gunderson's supportive, duck-stamp-painting husband, Norm. He was often cast in roles that were as rewarding as their anonymous characters sound: Moving Man ("Grumpy Old Men"), Skipper #1 ("The Cure") and the Major (TV movie "In the Line of Duty"). The actor's eight-year stint in the Guthrie Theater company, in such plays as "As You Like It" and "The Man Who Came to Dinner" in the late '80s and early '90s, overlapped with a boom in Minnesota filmmaking. In his early movies, John Carroll Lynch was lucky if he got a name.

Carroll adventure time voice actor