When you are enjoying important or happy times and you want to let know others about it just click on the share button. Because of this, there is no chance of violating your privacy and security. With this feature, only the other side can see your text or calls. To maintain user privacy WhatsApp uses an end-to-end encryption method. it also provides HD calling features to users. To call anyone that person has to be a user of this. With this app, you can do unlimited free calls anytime anywhere. But when you have to communicate with lots of friends then just simply create a group to keep in touch with them all time. You can simply text with an app to anyone. Because it uses an end-to-end encryption method to provide privacy and security. While using this app you don’t have to worry about your privacy. You can simply text anyone with this app. Features of WhatsApp Desktop Simple, Reliable Messaging Since it consumes low data, the performance of this app increases drastically and offers your best performance. Because its data usage is optimized it lets you send text faster and way better than any other messaging app. While using this app you can chat faster and comfortably. Chat better, faster, and more comfortably As you do chat, voice call, send a voice message to others, or communicate through your mobile using it, now you can do all of these from your PC without any issues. So at present, you can not only use it on your Mobile devices but also you can use it on your PC. So the developer of WhatsApp also developed a version of it for Desktop PC users. But as the development of modern technology is increasing day by day, the number of users of Desktop PC is also increased dramatically. WhatsApp was a popular instant messaging app for smartphones. When you make a conversation on the phone but you need to access those from pc just connect your account to a PC and it will automatically sync all of your conversations from mobile to pc quickly. With the linked device feature you can sync your chat to any pc. Through that section, you can easily access this app. It uses a simple interface like the message, call, and contact.

Using this app is quite easy because of its simple interface. And communicating with this app is safe because of its privacy and security measures. Also, you can share any kind of document for free. And with this app, you can communicate with others through text, calls, and video calls. Run WhatsApp Desktop on your Windows PC Free communication And you can create a group with friends, family, and office colleagues for mass communication. The most important thing about this app is it uses end-to-end encryption methods to provide privacy and security to its user. With this app, you can do free calls, text, and share documents with anyone. WhatsApp Desktop is one of the most used communication apps so far.